
Checklist for Implementation of GDP Principles - Part 4: Documentation

Chapter 4 of the EU GDP Guidelines points out that good documentation constitutes are an essential part of the quality system. In this article, you will find a checklist to verify the minimum implementation.

New Entries in the ECA Discussion Forum

The European GDP Association offers a Discussion Forum free of charge for its members. It gives you the opportunity to address your GDP-related questions to a large audience. Several interesting topics have been discussed over the last few weeks. To get an idea, take a look here.

GDP Non-Compliance Report for Austrian API Distributor

The Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety has entered a new GDP Non-Compliance Report into the EudraGMDP database. This affects an active substance (API) distributor.

Falsified Medicines in the Legal Supply Chain

Falsified medicines do not meet the standards of safety, efficacy and quality as are required and may pose a serious risk to public and animal health. That is why the topic is explicitly addressed in the EU GDP guidelines. Despite all precautions, several examples have recently come to light in which counterfeit medicines have entered the legal supply chain. 

The GDP Non-Compliance Reports of 2023 - An Overview

If the outcome of an inspection is that the wholesale distributor does not comply with Good Distribution Practice (GDP), a statement of non-compliance may be entered into EudraGMDP. As in previous years, we have prepared an overview of the GDP Non-Compliance Reports published in 2023 and the respective reasons for issuing these reports.

Checklist for Implementation of GDP Principles - Part 3: Premises and Equipment

According to Chapter 3 of the EU GDP Guidelines, wholesale distributors must have suitable and adequate premises, installations and equipment, so as to ensure proper storage and distribution of medicinal products. In this article, you will find a checklist to verify the minimum implementation.

Ozempic Falsification also in the US

Following the previously confirmed falsifications of Ozempic® batches in the EU drug supply chain, the FDA now warned consumers not to use counterfeit Ozempic® found in the US drug supply chain.

US Track & Trace Guidance on Verification Systems

The FDA issued the final guidance on verification systems under the DSCSA. The document covers "suspect drug systems" that trading partners must have in place to detect and respond to suspect drugs and ultimately notify the FDA if needed.

EU and MHRA extend GMP and GDP Certificates

The validity of EU GMP and GDP certificates is to remain in place until 2024 or until the completion of the next on-site inspection, whichever comes first. Until then, supervision will be performed risk-based.

ICH Q9 Training Package for Revision 1 published

Since 2005, the ICH Q9 Guideline has been the state of the art when it comes to quality risk management. It was initially included in the EU GMP Guidelines as Annex 20 and was then incorporated into Part III. In addition, an ICH Q9 "briefing package" was developed and made available on the ICH website. New training material is now also available for Revision 1 of the ICH Q9 Guideline.
